Romanian Liberal VP Comments On Gift Vouchers Issue

Teodor Melescanu, vice-president of Romania’s National Liberal Party (PNL) said, referring to the conclusions of the report drawn up by economy and finance minister Varujan Vosganian, that gift vouchers can be granted by the institutions whose budgets include funds earmarked for this purpose.


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Romanian Liberal VP Comments On Gift Vouchers Issue

"At the request of the party’s Central Standing Office, economy and finance minister Varujan Vosganian drew up a report on the actual impact of gift vouchers on public spending, which will be presented to liberal leaders on Monday. I have talked to Vosganian. The Ministry of Economy and Finance will propose that all institutions, whose budgets include funds earmarked to grant gift vouchers, be allowed to do that, under the provisions of law, as we do not expect this measure to affect public spending," Melescanu pointed out.
The government recently approved a decision setting that public sector employees would no longer receive gift vouchers.
Teachers in pre-university education in capital city of Bucharest went on go-slow strike Thursday protesting against the government’s decision.
Gift vouchers are bonuses offered to employees on special occasions such as Easter or Christmas. The value of one gift voucher is RON10 or multiple of 10, but does not exceed RON50.
Early this year, Vosganian said he would propose several measures to lower budget spending in the public sector.
Liberal Prime Minister Tariceanu motivated the government’s decision to stop granting gift vouchers saying the country needs a tight wage policy.

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