Romanian Low Cost Airliner Blue Air Negotiates Acquisition Of 10 Boeing 737 Airships

Romanian low-cost airliner Blue Air is negotiating the acquisition of ten Boeing 737 Next Generation airships, whose costs might exceed $1 billion based on their catalog value, the company announced Friday.


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Romanian Low Cost Airliner Blue Air Negotiates Acquisition Of 10 Boeing 737 Airships

The airplanes will be delivered in the next four years. The airliner currently operates eight Boeing 737 airships.

In 2008, the company signed an agreement to buy another five similar planes.

Blue Air plans to add the new order to the existing acquisition contract, maintaining a clause which allows it place an order for five supplementary options.

Last year, Blue Air reported a turnover of EUR124 million and transported over 1.1 million passengers, up 22% on the year. In 2009, the company estimates a EUR170 million turnover and 1.7 million transported passengers.

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