Romanian MEP Under Criminal Investigation For Assault, Disobeying Court Orders

Romanian prosecutors started criminal investigations against far-right Greater Romania Party president and MEP Corneliu Vadim Tudor on charges of assault and disobeying court orders in a case regarding the evacuation of the party’s headquarters in Bucharest, lawyer Mariana Stefan said Monday.


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Romanian MEP Under Criminal Investigation For Assault, Disobeying Court Orders

Party vice-presidents Codrin Stefanescu and Marius Marinescu will be heard as witnesses at the General Prosecution Office on Monday.

Marinescu said Vadim Tudor will be heard by prosecutors Tuesday morning.

The General Prosecution Office said in a press release Wednesday that police reports show Vadim Tudor directly threatened the legal executor and the police officers assisting the evacuation of the party's headquarters. According to prosecutors, Vadim Tudor assaulted and insulted public officials and refused to obey court orders.

The evacuation of the Greater Romania Party started Tuesday morning in the presence of executor Paula Daniela Somaldoc and police officers, and was marked by rows, clashes between authorities and party members and ridden with expletives. Somaldoc said she would seek legal action against the party leader.

Vadim Tudor pushed and cursed at the chief of the police team assisting the executor in evacuating the building after police had prevented his brother, Marcu Tudor, from entering the building. After barricading themselves inside the building for hours, party members did evacuate the premises late at night on Tuesday.

The building in question has been reclaimed by Andrew George Caranfil, heir to Nicolae Caranfil, a great Romanian engineer.

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