Romanian Mihail Kogalniceanu Intl Airport Manager To Resign From Office

The manager of Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport in Constanta, southeastern Romania, Gheorghe Sutu, said Friday he plans to resign from office for medical reasons, adding his resignation will soon be sent to the Transport Ministry.


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Romanian Mihail Kogalniceanu Intl Airport Manager To Resign From Office

The leader of the Democratic Liberal Party branch in Constanta, senator Mircea Banias, said the party's proposition for new manager is Ionel Manafu.

Sutu was appointed manager of the Mihail Kogalniceanu airport early November 2009, by a decision of Transport Minister Radu Berceanu.

The Constanta County Council contested Sutu's appointment as manager, saying it was made only on political criteria.

The Transport Ministry owns 80% of the Mihail Kogalniceanu airport and the remaining 20% is owned by the Constanta County Council.

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