Romanian PM: EU Funds For Overdue Contracts Should Be Directed To Other Projects

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc asked the ministers to penalize EU fund beneficiaries who are overdue in implementing their projects, so that the money can be diverted towards other European developments.


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Romanian PM: EU Funds For Overdue Contracts Should Be Directed To Other Projects

The prime minister also asked the ministers and state secretaries in the committee for EU funds to exercise rigor in public procurement, going as far as terminating faulty financing contracts or charging financial corrections, says a Government press release.

It also says the National Authority for Public Procurement Regulation and Monitoring (ANRMAP) will draw up a series of instructions and recommendations for contracting authorities regarding standard selection and verification criteria, conditions under which auctions may be sped up, as well as other rules of good practice.

Boc said earlier Thursday that the ministers have been tasked to terminate EU-funded contracts whose implementation is unjustifiably overdue or which have been awarded through fraudulent auctions, a decision prompted by the very low level of EU reimbursements.

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