Romanian PM Meets Local Authorities Monday To Discuss Cost Standards

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc will meet Monday afternoon, at the government’s headquarters, with representatives of local authorities for a first discussion regarding cost standards, which will become mandatory for all local public institutions.


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Romanian PM Meets Local Authorities Monday To Discuss Cost Standards

The prime minister said Thursday on public radio the talks will also be attended by officials of the Interior Ministry and of the Finance Ministry.

Cost standards will be the main criterion in restructuring Romanian public administration and standards will also be set in one month for the healthcare, social assistance and pre-university education sectors, Boc said late Wednesday.

"We’ve decided that costs standards will be the main criterion for the restructuring of the state apparatus. Ministries have one month to present the government with their view regarding cost standards in public administration. This means every mayoralty, every county council, every prefect office, every administrative unit will have a cost standard for their respective working apparatus,” Boc said.

He added cost standards are expected from ministries in one month in the sectors of social assistance, healthcare and pre-university education.

"We will know exactly how much the state should pay and it will pay the same amount across the country for these important sectors. Ministers can start presenting calendars for the approval of costs standards starting next week,” the prime minister said.

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