Romanian Pres Decorates Postmortem Ex Political Detainee Ticu Dumitrescu

Romanian President Traian Basescu Saturday morning signed the decree granting postmortem the decoration “the National Order Star of Romania in the rank of Knight” to ex political detainee Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu.


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Romanian President Decorates Postmortem Ex Political Detainee Ticu Dumitrescu

The National Order Star of Romania in the rank of Knight together with a funeral wreath on behalf of the Presidency of Romania were sent to the family mourning the death of Ticu Dumitrescu.

Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu died Friday, at the age of 80. He was the head of the Association of Former Political Detainees In Romania, and the initiator of the Romanian law granting people access to their own record kept by the former communist police, which led to the creation of the country’s College for the Study of Securitate Archives, or CNSAS.

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