Romanian Prosecutors Check Validity Of Bid On Rehabilitating Bucharest-Pitesti Highway

The National Anticorruption Department, or DNA, is verifying the legality of the auction through which the Bucharest Regional Department for Roads and Bridges chose the contractor that would rehabilitate the Bucharest-Pitesti highway.


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Romanian Prosecutors Check Validity Of Bid On Rehabilitating Bucharest-Pitesti Highway

The DNA is currently verifying the circumstances that led to granting the contract to rehabilitate three sectors on the Bucharest-Pitesti highway to a Romanian consortium.

Prime Minister Tariceanu last Thursday said that the way in which a Romanian consortium obtained, at double price, the contract to unfold works at Bucharest-Pitesti sectors in the detriment of Austria’s Alpine company has to be investigated by the Prosecutors’ Office.
The consortium led by PA&Co International, in association with Euroconstruct Trading '98 and Serch Corporation won in 2006 the contract regarding rehabilitation works at the Bucharest-Pitesti highway. The contract was signed for EUR30 million, even though Austria’s Alpine Mayreder came forth with an offer two times lower, that is EUR16 million.
The Transports Ministry said at the time that the contract was attributed to the Romanian consortium because the competitor failed to observe a series of requests, among which lack of evidence in having the necessary equipment to undergo the modernization works.
However, Alpine contested the results of the bid, but its request to annul the procedure was rejected as unfounded by the auction committee.  

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