Romanian Railway Co To Spend RON332.8M To Modernize Ten Train Stations

Romania’s state-owned railway company CFR SA will modernize ten train stations in the country for an estimated 332.8 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2564) net of VAT, the company said Thursday.


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Romanian Railway Co To Spend RON332.8M To Modernize Ten Train Stations

CFR will organize four auctions for execution works.

The first auction includes stations Giurgiu (RON14.52 million, net of VAT), Slobozia Veche (RON29.23 million, net of VAT), and Calarasi Sud (RON26.34 million, net of VAT). Bids will be open on March 21.

Another auction includes modernization works on stations Sfantu Gheorghe (RON41.74 million, net of VAT) and Targu Mures (RON45.21 million, net of VAT). Bids will be open on March 15.

The third auction is for stations in Botosani (RON19.81 million, net of VAT), Vaslui (RON28.49 million, net of VAT), Piatra Neamt (RON25.19 million, net of VAT) and Braila (RON41.99 million, net of VAT). Bids for this auction will be open on March 24.

A fourth auction targets the station in Pitesti and will cost up to RON60.25 million, net of VAT, and bids will be open on March 17.

All contracts are valid for two years, except for the Pitesti station, where the contract period is of three years.

Works will be 69.25% funded with non-reimbursable EU funds and 30.75% from the state budget.

Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said early December the ministry plans to modernize 21 train stations for an estimated EUR227 million.

The railway company launched auction announcements in December for works on stations Slatina, Ramnicu Valcea and Resita Sud, for RON77.6 million, net of VAT.

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