Romanian Sailor Injured In Struggle With Pirates Stable After Surgery – Foreign Ministry

The Romanian sailor injured during Wednesday’s crew takeover of the merchant vessel RIM, formerly held by Somali pirates, successfully underwent surgery Thursday, Foreign Ministry officials told MEDIAFAX Friday.


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People close to the matter said that the Romanian sailor's post-surgery condition is stable and that he is currently receiving specialized medical care.

Foreign Ministry representatives said Wednesday that two crew members of the MV RIM were injured Wednesday during an armed conflict with the Somali pirates who controlled the ship.

European Union Naval Force Somalia, or NAVFOR, issued a press release Wednesday, which confirmed that the crew had regained control from the hijackers. The incident took place Wednesday morning off Somalia's northern coastline. The closest EU NAVFOR warship, the Spanish Victoria, met up with the RIM and sent its helicopter to the scene to provide medical assistance.

NAVFOR also informs that, at the time of the incident, a second ship under pirate control, merchant vessel Daisy, tried to impede the rescue operation. However, when Victoria's helicopter approached, the Daisy changed her course.

The Romanian crew member informed his girlfriend on Wednesday morning that he had been shot in the hip during the crew takeover.

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