Romanian Senate Adopts Bill Implementing Criminal Code

The Romanian Senate on Wednesday adopted the draft law implementing the Criminal Code and amending a series of normative acts on criminal matters.


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Romanian Senate Adopts Bill Implementing Criminal Code

The draft law, which was put forward by the Government, was adopted with 107 votes in favor, two votes against and four abstentions.

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu highlighted that the High Council of Magistrates must take viable measures to ensure a successful implementation of the codes.

The act will be sent to the Chamber of Deputies, which has the final say on the matter.

The European Commission's interim report on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, released in February, says Romania's main challenge regarding judicial reform in the coming months "will be to prepare successfully for the entry into force of the four new codes."

The report also makes note of Romania's progress with regard to implementing legislation. "[D]raft implementing laws for the Civil and Criminal Codes have been submitted to Parliament, whilst the implementing laws for the Procedure Codes are being drafted. Once the Romanian authorities receive the final impact assessment, a comprehensive implementation plan will need to be prepared and training will need to be undertaken to ensure a smooth and effective implementation."

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