Romanian Senate Adopts Draft Law To Build At Least 50,000 Social Homes

Romania’s Senate adopted Wednesday with 38 to 36 votes and one abstention a normative act drafted by social democrats and conservatives, regarding the construction of at least 50,000 fully equipped social homes.


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Romanian Senate Adopts Draft Law To Build At Least 50,000 Social Homes

According to the draft law, the construction of a 60-square meter two-room apartment would cost about EUR50,000.

Social home construction will be financed from public investments promoted and carried out by local public authorities, from the state and the local budgets and from long-term bank loans guaranteed by the state.

According to the draft law, social homes will be constructed on land plots belonging to the public domain and will be ensured by local public authorities.

The law stipulates that investment objectives for infrastructure works may be included in programs unfolded by the Ministry of Regional Development.

State guarantees will be granted by a social fund that guarantees home loans, which will be set up by Government decision. The guarantee fund will total EUR1.5 billion in the first year the law is applied, and guarantees will be paid from the risk fund.

Social homes to be built under this law belong to the public domain and cannot be sold.

The draft law states that only people or families whose monthly average income per capita, over the past 12 months, is below the average net salary will be able to rent a social house, as well as people who were evicted from their homes following property return court rulings.

According to the law, rent will be subsidized from local budgets.

The draft law will be forwarded for adoption to the Chamber of Deputies.

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