Romanian Senate Clears Path For Senator’s Prosecution

Romania’s Senate approved Wednesday in plenary session anticorruption prosecutors’ request to have social democrat senator Catalin Voicu placed under preventive arrest on charges of influence peddling and fraud.


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Romanian Senate Clears Path For Senator’s Prosecution

Seventy senators voted in favor of lifting Voicu's immunity, just one vote more than the 69 prosecutors needed.

Under Romanian law, lawmakers cannot be arrested without the approval of the parliament chamber they represent and after they are heard by the respective chamber's committee for legal matters. Approval of prosecution requires the votes of the majority of lawmakers in the respective chamber.

Voicu, who is charged with influence peddling and fraud, was admitted to hospital Tuesday night over heart problems. Catalin Carstoiu, the manager of the emergency hospital in Bucharest where the senator was admitted, said he was brought to the hospital at around 3 a.m. with a racing pulse and high blood pressure, complaining of chest pains. Tuesday night and was admitted to the cardiology unit. Voicu was set to undergo a series of tests.

The senator asked to be released from the hospital to attend the Senate's plenary meeting but got sick and had to be rushed back to the hospital. He also asked hospital managers not to release any information about his diagnosis.

Romanian media recently made public fragments of discussions which show Voicu tried to intervene with the High Court of Justice and the Police in cases involving businessmen Costel Casuneanu, Marius Locic and Constanta mayor's brother Alexandru Mazare.

Voicu allegedly also tried to pull the strings to become Interior Minister if social democrat Mircea Geoana would have won presidential elections in 2009.

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