Romanian Senate Passes Bill Outlawing Sale Of Psychoactive Plants

Romania’s Senate on Thursday enacted a Government bill banning the sale of psychoactive plants, consumed as recreational drugs, and the bill now needs approval from the Chamber of Deputies to become law.


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Romanian Senate Passes Bill Outlawing Sale Of Psychoactive Plants

The Government motivated its move to ban the sale of such plants citing the appearance of numerous stores selling psychoactive substances, or so-called "legal drugs", which have been proven dangerous to human health.

The bill bans a list of 36 psychoactive substances and plants that have been included in the drug category.

Over 100 kilograms of psychoactive plants, over one thousand pills and about 4,500 doses of outlawed substances were seized from stores during raids across the country. Under the bill, stores selling such substances were forced to deplete or destroy their stocks within ten days.

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