Romanian Transp Min’s Debts To Passenger Transporters Hit RON120M

Romania’s Transport Ministry has a 120 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2719) debt to passenger transport firms, which represents overdue payments for ticket price subsidies granted to disadvantaged people.


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Romanian Transp Min’s Debts To Passenger Transporters Hit RON120M

Romanian Transport Operator Federation (FORT) president Augustin Hagiu said Thursday, during the Mediafax talks about Transport & Logistics seminar, authorities were asked to compensate the ministry's debts to transporters with the sums owed by the latter to the state budge, adding the request was rejected. He said state's debts to transporters are overdue by one year.

According to Hagiu, of the total number of transport firms, 45% were closed down or filed for insolvency.

Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu said Wednesday that the state's debts to transporters will be compensated with sums owed to the budget.

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