Romtelecom Buys DCS TV Service Assets, Client Base

Telecom operator Digital Cable Systems (DCS) announced Tuesday that it has sold its assets and contracts with the clients of TV service AKTA Satelit to Romanian operator Romtelecom.


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Romtelecom Buys DCS TV Service Assets, Client Base

The two parties have notified the Competition Council about this transaction and the clients will be transferred once the Council the go-ahead, says a DCS press release. The price of the transaction will be determined according to the actual number of clients transferred to Romtelecom.

Set up in 2005, through the merger of several cable companies, the DCS group provides telecommunication services countrywide, for both business and residential clients. In 2010, the group's estimated sales amounted to over EUR34 million, up 15% on the year.

In early March, Romtelecom signed a deal with insolvent DTH Television Group to buy the assets and client base of digital television platform Boom TV, also at a price depending on the number of clients transferred.

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