Ruling Party Leader Accuses Judicial Abuses, EU Double Standard And Multinationals In Speech

Romania’s Lower Chamber chairman, Liviu Dragnea, delivered a belligerent speech during the Social Democrat Party (PSD) national council meeting on Sunday, criticizing the judicial system, multinationals and EU institutions, among others.


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Ruling Party Leader Accuses Judicial Abuses, EU Double Standard And Multinationals In Speech

Dragnea started by accusing EU leaders of applying a double standard when it comes to Romania, as they point out issues with corruption but choose to ignore judicial abuses accused by the country's ruling coalition. He also compared the reaction Romania received following the violent Gendarmerie intervention at the August 10 protest to the lack of reaction against French Gendarmerie’s actions during the Yellow Vests’ protests.

“Why didn’t any EU official, until today, say one word about the illegal protocols between the Romanian Intelligence Service and the judiciary? Are fundamental human rights not a basic on principle on which the European Union was built? Is this allowed in other countries of the EU?” said the Lower Chamber chairman.

The PSD leader also called for higher taxes for multinational corporations and for Government actions against banks and the growth of the ROBOR index.

“We need a Government and a coalition which will tell both banks and multinationals in Romania that this country also has the right to ask part of the huge profits they make here, to pay their taxes here, not in tax havens or in their countries of origin,” said Dragnea.

He added that the party had the “obligation” to repair what he viewed as judicial abuses in the past, including his own suspended prison sentence for referendum fraud. through a government decree regarding amnesty and pardoning for those “sentenced unjustly”.

Dragnea also requested party treasures Mircea Draghici and Lower Chamber deputy chairman Florin Iordache to file a criminal complaint for high treason against President Klaus Iohannis, who he views as the main initiator of attacks against the Government and the ruling coalition.

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