Sibiu Mayor: Accession To Western Alliance Would Be Opportune

The Mayor of Sibiu, Astrid Fodor, said on Tuesday that her city’s accession to the Western Alliance – a collaboration protocol signed by mayors of four major Western Romanian cities – would be opportune if the alliance would accept to extend its objectives for Central Romania.


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Sibiu Mayor: Accession To Western Alliance Would Be Opportune

The mayor told MEDIAFAX that she sees the initiative as “constructive” and that her city was not initially invited to join as it is considered part of the Central development region.

“I do not know the specific details of the project, but from what I read in the declaration adopted in Timisoara and from what the four mayor said publicly, I am convinced that it is a constructive initiative, in the sense that it will kickstart common projects through which its initiators want to attract EU funds,” said the Sibiu mayor.

The mayors of Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Arad and Oradea launched last Saturday the Western Alliance (AVE), a partnership through which they aim to establish a common framework to attract EU funds directly from Brussels for common projects.


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