Six Injured In Gas Pipe Blast In Sibiu, C Romania

Six people were injured Monday in a military base in Sibiu, central Romania, in a blast at a gas flow control panel and the victims, who suffered burns on arms and face, were taken to hospital.


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Six Injured In Gas Pipe Blast In Sibiu, C Romania

According to Sibiu Police Department spokeswoman Luciana Baltes, six people who were working on a gas flow control panel were injured in the explosion and were transported to hospital.

The explosion occurred while the men, employees of gas utility E.On Gaz, were working on the panel within the military base. Two families living in the vicinity of the military base were evacuated.

Sibiu Emergency Hospital spokeswoman Raluca Pusca said none of the six men injured in the explosion is in critical condition, adding they suffered burns on hands and face and will remain under medical observation in the plastic surgery ward.

The explosion took place at 12.30 p.m. and firefighters are trying to put down the fire.

Sibiu mayor Klaus Johannis said the city's gas supply will be cut until Monday evening or Tuesday morning, to give the gas company time to fix the panel.

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