Snow Caused Ambulance Delays Cause Fatalities In Romania

Two persons with heart conditions died, Tuesday night, in southwestern Romanian county Mehedinti, because snow delayed the ambulances.

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According to Mehedinti Ambulance Service director Horia Ene, one of the victims is a 42 year old man, from the locality Ponoare, while the second victim is a 60 year old woman, from Garla Mare.
The two had heart problems and they called for ambulances.
For the woman, an ambulance from the Cuşnir substation was sent. The car reached the Gârla Mare entrance, but the road was blocked by snow. In these conditions, the vehicle returned to Cuşnir substation, while the woman died at 07:30 local time.
For the man in Ponoare, an ambulance was sent from Baia de Aramă.
According to the quoted source, the car got stuck on the road, as the patient died while he was driven to the Baia de Aramă hospital by a local.
Ene said there will be an investigation in the Ponoare case, to draw a clear outline of the situation.
Mehedinti county registered some heavy snowing in the past two days, while the layer of snow reaches 50 centimeters (some 20 inches t.n.), in several areas.

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