Stihl Romania Invests EUR6M In Logistics And Technical Training

Stihl Romania, the local division of German power tool producer Stihl, on Monday announced a EUR6 million investment in expanding its space in Otopeni, a 3,000-square meter surface area used for the development of its business, and in expanding by 300 sqm the space used to train its technical staff.


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Stihl Romania Invests EUR6M In Logistics And Technical Training

Stihl currently has over 360 stores in Romania and in 2016, it started the visual reconfiguration of its commercial spaces, within an investment valued at over EUR5 million. The number of stores to be aligned to the new standards in 2017 will surge by 80%.

Stihl is a family business set up in 1926 by Andreas Stihl.

In 2016, Stihl announced, globally, an increase of 6.6% to a record turnover of EUR3.46 billion. The German company plans to invest EUR1 billion in development until 2018. Stihl Romania is 100% owned by the parent company and was established in 1997.


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