Three Quarters Of Romanians Avoid Interacting With Banks - Poll

A poll conducted by Romanian surveyor IRES revealed that 76% of Romanians would prefer to stay away from banks, while less than half of bank clients trust the lenders.


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Three Quarters Of Romanians Avoid Interacting With Banks - Poll

Thus, 76% of respondents said they would prefer to have little interaction with banks, while 90% said bank-client relations usually favor the banks, Furthermore, 89% of interviewees believe people are not paying attention when signing contracts with banks.

IRES polled 1,436 people, aged over 18 and living in urban areas.

Only 3% of banking service users have very high confidence in banks, while 41% said they trust banks, 40% said they have little faith in banks and 13% said they have very little faith.

Banks receive the most credit from people aged over 51, while most skeptics are found in the 36 to 50 years' category.

Regarding the interest rates applied by banks, 63% of clients partially or completely agreed that the interest is fair, while 31% disagreed with the statement.

Moreover, over 80% of bank clients said they would recommend their bank to other people.

Regarding future collaboration with banks, 1 in 10 clients said they plan to take out a loan in the near future. Among these, 32% plan home improvements, 29% are looking to buy a home, 13% want to buy household items and 8% are looking to buy a car.

Criteria applied by clients when choosing a loan include the interest rate 64%, approval speed 41% and the maximum amount that can be borrowed 29%, according to the survey.

Regarding savings, 39% of respondents said they are able to set aside money.

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