Two Arrested In Internet Fraud Case In W Romania

Two of the IT crime suspects heard Wednesday in Timisoara, western Romania, were placed under preventive arrest late Wednesday for allegedly having cloned websites of banks causing damages of EUR350,000.


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Two Arrested In Internet Fraud Case In W Romania

Local court spokesperson Mihaela Roibu said Thursday that two young men were placed under preventive arrest and their lawyers said they would appeal the measure.
She said organized crime prosecutors accuse the two of having cloned websites of Italian and German banks and sent emails to the banks’ clients requiring confidential account information which they used to steal money.
Chief prosecutor Mircea Andres, who coordinates organized crime prosecutors in the western region of the country, said Wednesday the criminal group detained managed to steal a total EUR350,000.
Investigators will require preventive arrest warrants for nine of the 22 people heard Wednesday following searches in homes of people suspected of having hacked into servers of universities in the United States, NASA and illegally cloned websites of banks in the European Union to get credit card information.
Prosecutors searched homes of suspects in the counties of Timis (western Romania), Caras-Severin (southwest), Hunedoara (central Romania) and Arges (southern Romania).

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