Two Romanians died in Israel

Two Romanians died in Israel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that the two people had dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship.


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Two Romanians died in Israel

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs with regret that, so far, the death of two persons with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship, living in the State of Israel, has been confirmed", informs MFA.

These are the person whose death was announced by the Israeli authorities on 9 October 2023, who held Israeli-Romanian citizenship, residing in the State of Israel, and the person whose family reported her missing on 12 October 2023 and whose death was confirmed by the Israeli authorities on 13 October 2023.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its condolences to the families and its deep regret for the victims of these attacks. It also reiterates its strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms. The Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv and the Romanian General Consulate in Haifa are in constant contact with the Israeli authorities in order to verify information on Romanian citizens", stated the conclusion of the press release.

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