USA Embassy Thanks Romania For Sending More Troops To Afghanistan

The USA Embassy in Bucharest expressed its “appreciation” of Romania’s decision to increase its participation in Afghanistan operations by 600 troops, adding that it is “very grateful” to the Romanian people.


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USA Embassy Thanks Romania For Sending More Troops To Afghanistan

"We admire the professionalism, excellent performance, exceptional commitment to duty and the sacrifices of the Romanian forces," the embassy said in a press release issued Friday to MEDIAFAX.

"Romania has been one of the most dependable and staunchest allies in Afghanistan in NATO's vital mission to stop the spread of terrorism and to help the Afghan people build a peaceful, democratic nation," the embassy's message said.

Romania's High Council for National Defense (CSAT) approved Thursday the deployment of additional 600 troops to Afghanistan, and the maximum number of troops deployed to the area could reach 1,798.

US Ambassador Mark Henry Gitenstein on Friday thanked Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi for CSAT's decision.

With the additional troops, Romania will have nearly 1,800 troops in Afghanistan, part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force.

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