USA To Use Romania And Bulgaria Bases To Control Caspian Sea Oil - Experts

The United States wish to have control over oil resources in the Caspian Sea and will accomplish this from their bases in Romania and Bulgaria by fueling instability in the Caucasus, the Center for Research on Globalization (CRG) said in an analysis published online.


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USA To Use Romania And Bulgaria Bases To Control Caspian Sea Oil - Experts

CRG's analysts said the US may send its peacekeeping forces to provide security for the transport of Caspian oil and gas and American troops in Romania and Bulgaria could be very useful.

"During a recent visit to Romania US Vice President Joe Biden said Bucharest backed a new US missile shield configuration Washington announced after scrapping earlier planned missile defense deployments in Poland and the Czech Republic," the cited source said, adding "this means that elements of the US missile shield complex may eventually appear in Romania."

According to the analysis, "American experts say that the construction of two new bases in Romania and Bulgaria is fully in line with the US troop redeployments former President George W. Bush announced as early as in 2004. Many analysts believe that US efforts in Romania and Bulgaria are part of a global redeployment strategy started in the early years of the Bush Administration to shift US forces out of Germany and move them eastward."

"While the Pentagon explains all this by the need to move its forces closer to the volatile Middle East, Russia sees this as a direct threat to its interests fearing that what starts with a relatively small US military presence in Romania and Bulgaria could eventually increase and by a very wide margin to boot."

"Moreover, the emergence of NATO bases on the Black Sea comes in addition to the military installations the West already has on the Baltic Sea and which effectively puts Russia in a bind. In another alarming sign, cadets at the West Point military academy are now undergoing a crash course of Russian language and culture, just like they started learning Arabic three years prior to the US-led invasion of Iraq," the analysis reads.

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