USR Leader: Most Of Our Voters Expect Common MEP Lists With Former PM’s Party

The chairman of Romanian opposition party USR, Dan Barna, said on Monday that his group is looking into running on common lists with former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos’ MRI party, a move which he stated was expected by up to three quarters of their voters.


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USR Leader: Most Of Our Voters Expect Common MEP Lists With Former PM’s Party

According to Barna, discussions between the two sides are revolving on whether a run on common lists would ensure bigger exposure for both parties.

“We made some analyses, we have some results which show that a very big percentage of our voters, who want a European Romania, about 70-75% expect us to run on common lists. We will decide, we will see,” Barna said on Monday.

The USR chairman did not confirm whether Ciolos, a former EU Commissary for Agriculture, would top the MEP lists in case of a common run.

He added that, according to current polling, USR could expect between three and five MEP spots, and that there will be an analysis on how many would there be in case of a common list with MRI.

Both Barna and Ciolos confirmed for MEDIAFAX on Sunday that they talked about the possibility for the parties to run on common lists in next year’s MEP elections, but without reaching a decision on the matter.

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