Deloitte Expects 100 M&A Deals in Romania in 2019

The Romanian mergers and acquisitions market will total around 100 transactions in 2019, keeping a similar pace as during the period 2008-2018, Deloitte Romania said in a report Wednesday.


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Deloitte Expects 100 M&A Deals in Romania in 2019

The company estimates the average value of M&A deals at EUR40-50 million, slightly above the EUR40 million average of the past decade.

“Despite the harsh fiscal background apparent at the beginning of 2019, we don't expect major consequences on the mergers and acquisitions market in the first half of the year but towards the end of the year when, depending on the macroeconomic context, the window of opportunity may close. We expect the most dynamic sectors on the M&A market in 2019 will be technology, retail, the pharmaceutical industry, fast moving consumer goods, and real estate,” said Ioana Filipescu, Partner at Deloitte Romania's M&A Consultancy Department.

The Romanian M&A market stood at an estimated EUR3.8 – 4.3 billion in 2018, including deals whose financial terms were not disclosed. The 2018 market was less transparent than in previous years and the number of deals whose financial terms were not disclosed has increased, Deloitte Romania analysts said.

Deloitte Romania's M&A Consultancy Department assisted over 100 transactions in 2018.

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