Romania's Current Account Posts Surplus of EUR149M in January

Romania's current account balance posted a surplus of EUR149 million in January, compared with a surplus of EUR322 million in January 2019, central bank data showed Monday.


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Romania's Current Account Posts Surplus of EUR149M in January

The primary income balance, which covers funds from investment and employment, posted a surplus of EUR739 million in January, compared with a surplus of EUR582 million in January 2019.

The goods and services balance recorded a deficit of EUR610 million, compared with a deficit of EUR475 in January 2019.

The secondary income balance posted a surplus of EUR20 million in January, from a surplus of EUR215 billion in January 2019.

Foreign direct investment stood at EUR451 million in January, compared with EUR499 million in January 2019.

Of total FDI, equity stakes (including estimated net reinvestment of earnings) amounted to EUR258 million, while net intra-group lending stood at EUR193 million, the data showed.

Romania's total external debt grew by EUR3.928 billion from end-2019, standing at EUR109.928 at the end of January. Long-term debt stood at EUR77.314 billion, accounting for 70.3% of the total external debt.

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