Several Romanian Journalists, Politicians Initiate Media Protection Campaign

Several Romanian politicians, journalists and artists set up a media right protection group, following President Traian Basescu’s decision to list the media among potential threats to the country’s national security, social democrat deputy Carmen Moldovan said in a press release Saturday.


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Several Romanian Journalists, Politicians Initiate Media Protection Campaign

According to the press release, the campaign aims to eliminate from the country's national defense strategy, adopted in June by the Defense Council (CSAT), those provisions which target the mass media.

The civil society, journalists, businessmen, artists, the clergy and others are invited to join the campaign supporting democracy, the press release reads.

"Listing the media in an official document of the Defense Council represents an attempt to do away with Romania's democratic system", said the source.

Romania's defense strategy lists "orchestrated media campaigns that denigrate state institutions by disseminating false information" among threats to national security, beside terrorism, corruption and organized crime.

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