Businessman Ion Tiriac Is Romania’s Richest In Top 300 Capital

Businessman Ion Tiriac, former Rompetrol owner Dinu Patriciu and the Voiculescus, owners of the Romanian media group Intact, are the top three richest Romanians according to a ranking of Romania’s 300 richest, released annually by business weekly Capital.


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Businessman Ion Tiriac Is Romania’s Richest In Top 300 Capital

Tiriac is the country's richest with an estimated EUR1.8-2 billion, followed by Patriciu with an estimated EUR1.5-1.6 billion and the Voiculescus with an estimated EUR1.5-1.6 billion.

Last year, the ranking was headed by Steaua owner Gigi Becali with an estimated EUR2.5 billion, followed by Tiriac with EUR2.2-2.4 billion and Patriciu with EUR2-2.1 billion. Becali is ranked 11th this year, with an estimated EUR650-750 million.

The fourth spot is claimed by media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu with an estimated EUR1.2-1.25 billion, followed by the Adamescus, owners of several hotels and shareholders in IT company Flamingo, with an estimated EUR1.1-1.2 billion.

Sixth place went to businessman Ioan Niculae with EUR1.1-1.15 billion, followed by the Paunescu's with EUR900-950 million.

The eighth spot went to the Cristescu brothers with EUR820-850 million, the ninth and tenth to Gabriel Comanescu and the Micula brothers, each with an estimated EUR700-750 million.

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