Children from Alba who went at the Venice Carnival, quarantined at home for 14 days

The pupils and teachers from the "Regina Maria" High School of Arts in Alba Iulia, returning home from Venice on Sunday night, have been placed in quarantine at home. Their health will be checked periodically by teams of doctors.


Imaginea articolului Children from Alba who went at the Venice Carnival, quarantined at home for 14 days

Children from Alba who went at the Venice Carnival, quarantined at home for 14 days

The Public Health Directorate (DSP) Alba' spokesman, Radu Ciobotea, told MEDIAFAX correspondent on Monday that students and teachers are feeling well and have no health problems.

"On Sunday night, 47 pupils and four teachers from the Regina Maria High School arrived from Italy by bus and were examined by a team of doctors. They all feel good, they are asymptomatic and they were quarantined at home for 14 days. They were given instructions on hygiene measures. There will be teams of doctors who will go to each one, every few days, to monitor the health status", said Ciobotea.

The passengers from Alba Iulia were evaluated medically, on Sunday, and at the entrance in the country at Vama Borş no problem was reported.

The students were in the last days on a trip to Italy, at the Carnival in Venice, but the parents asked to come home urgently.

The Venice Carnival closed at midnight on Sunday due to the coronavirus epidemy.

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