EU Commission President: No Differences With Romania On EU Council Presidency

The president of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, stated on Wednesday, during a common press conference with Romanian PM Viorica Dancila, that the institution has no conflicts with Romania on the matter of its upcoming EU Council presidency.


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EU Commission President: No Differences With Romania On EU Council Presidency

Juncker stated that Bucharest is very well prepared with regards to the presidency, but also alluded to conflicts between the institution and Romanian authorities on the subject of the rule of law.

“I saw today how well prepared the ministers are in their fields. I am convinced that Romania will finalize a great number of proposals registered with the EU Parliament and Council. The commission’s and the Romanian Government’s programs meet on many points. There are still others such as the rule of law, but that does not concern the EU Council presidency,” said the EU dignitary.

The Commission president added that he hopes Romania will be admitted into the Schengen Area until the end of his current mandate.

The Romanian chief of cabinet, on the other hand, stated that Romania wishes to help reaching a political agreement on the union’s multiannual financial framework.

Romania is due to take over the EU Council presidency starting with January 1, 2019, for a six-month term.


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