EU Lawmakers To Debate Italy Outcast Law Monday

The European Parliament will debate Monday in plenary session the emergency Italian law which outcasts EU citizens posing a threat to public safety, adopted by the Italian executive shortly after a Romanian citizen allegedly murdered an Italian woman in Rome.


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EU Lawmakers To Debate Italy Outcast Law Monday

European Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini is expected to speak at the debates, Italian news agency Apcom reported.
Under the decree, EU citizens who pose a threat to public safety, can be expelled from Italy without any proof of that the allegedly dangerous person has a criminal record. Also, a trial is not necessary, but a judge needs to sign the expulsion order. The person has the right to appeal the decision.
European Commission spokesperson Johannes Laitenberger said Thursday that EC president Jose Manuel Durao Barroso received the letter of the Romanian and Italian prime ministers and the EU executive is ready to help member states with any concrete requests.
In a letter to Barroso Wednesday, Italian premier Romano Prodi and Romanian premier Calin Tariceanu asked the European Commission to intervene to help member states deal with migration from new EU members, which is apparently higher than expected, and work to draw up a strategy to socially integrate ethnic Rroma people.

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