Final Official Parliamentary Election Results

Romania’s Central Election Office announced Thursday the final official results of the parliamentary election held Sunday.


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Final Official Parliamentary Election Results

According to Office chairman Stefan Ciontu, the results are:
Chamber of Deputies:
Democratic Liberal Party - 115 mandates
Social Democratic Party + Conservative Party - 114 mandates
Liberal Party - 65 mandates
Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania - 22 mandates
Minorities - 18 mandates
Democratic Liberal Party - 51 mandates
Social Democratic Party + Conservative Party - 49 mandates
Liberal Party - 28 mandates
Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania - 9 mandates
Democratic Liberal Party - 166 mandates
Social Democratic Party + Conservative Party - 163 mandates
Liberal Party - 93 mandates
Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania - 31 mandates
Minorities - 18 mandates
The Chamber of Deputies will include 334 lawmakers and the Senate will include 137 lawmakers.
Ciontu said the Office will send the results for publication in the country’s Official Gazette, to the two chambers of Parliament and to political parties.
Under the Constitution, the head of state appoints a candidate for the prime minster office following consultations with the party that has absolute majority in Parliament, or with parties represented in Parliament if none has outright majority.
The candidate for the prime minister office will ask, within ten days of appointment, a vote of confidence from Parliament for the governing program and the list of government members.
The current Parliament ends its mandate on December 31, 2008.

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