Govt Guarantees Freedom Of Press – Romanian PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc assured the Romanian Press Club (CRP), who had asked for the public debate of the new legal codes, that the Government will take their suggestions into consideration, noting that it will support the media in order to limit the effects of the economic crisis.


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Govt Guarantees Freedom Of Press – Romanian PM

CRP president Indira Crasnea had asked the Government to make the four codes available to public debate, citing their status as the fundamental legal framework of the country.

Boc stated the Government does not intend to restrict freedom of speech and will analyze the suggestions to amend the Codes. He also said the Government can support the media in order to limit the negative impact of the crisis on the press.

Discussions on the new Codes of justice began two weeks ago in specialized parliamentary commissions. One sub-commission, led by MP Daniel Buda, will discuss the Civil and Civil procedure Codes, and another, led by MP Victor Ponta, will analyze the Criminal and Criminal procedure Codes.

Members of the Romanian Press Club, the Romanian Journalists Association, the Romanian Journalists Federation MediaSind and the European Federation of Journalists recently protested against the revised Civil Code’s provisions targeting the press, arguing they restrict journalists’ rights.


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