Liberals To File Motions Against Justice, Finance And Defense Ministers

Liberal Party (PNL) Chairman Ludovic Orban announced on Friday that the group’s MPs will file motions against Romania’s justice, finance and defense ministers at the beginning of the upcoming parliamentary session next week.


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Liberals To File Motions Against Justice, Finance And Defense Ministers

At the end of Friday’s meeting of the European People’s Party’s foreign affairs ministers, the PNL leader announced that his party has the motions ready to be filed.

“We have announced motions against Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, which will be filed with the Lower Chamber. We have a motion ready against Finance Minister Orlando Teodorovici. We are also ready with to present an extremely critical analysis in the field of defense,” Orban announced.

The PNL chairman said that a motion will be filed against Defense Minister Gabriel Les for delays in the purchase of new Romanian Navy corvettes, after the ministry suspended the procedure at the beginning of January.

The suspension was issued after the Constanta Shipyard sued the Government and the ministry, in an attempt to nullify the auction for the corvettes. The next trial hearing in the case is due for February 20.

The ministers will be able to defend themselves against the motions in front of the Parliament. The motions are non-binding, meaning that even if they will be approved by parliamentary vote, they will not automatically result in the targeted ministers’ dismissal.


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