New Fake Doctor Case Discovered At Ilfov County Public Hospital

A woman who worked 10 years for the Ilfov Emergency Hospital was found to have falsified her medical degree, Health Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Tuesday, after newspaper Libertatea published a report on the matter one week after it also broke the news on a fake Italian plastic surgeon.


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New Fake Doctor Case Discovered At Ilfov County Public Hospital

Raluca Daniela Birsan, aged 30, worked for a decade as a volunteer with medical activity at the hospital’s gynecology section.

The woman told journalists that she did not perform any type of medical procedures, and only assisted with bringing medical instruments and writing reports. However, some of the hospital’s patients told the newspaper that the false medical practitioner closed their surgeries.

Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea confirmed that Birsan’s latest contract with the hospital was based on a falsified degree, and also did not conform with current volunteer regulations.

Pintea announced that the ministry will press charges against the woman for using a falsified degree.

This comes one week after another Libertatea also announced that Italian national Matteo Politi practiced medicine as a plastic surgeon without a license for more than one year at multiple private clinics. The fake surgeon was caught by Romanian authorities while trying to flee the country the day after the report was published.

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