Opposition Parties Sign Romanian President’s National Pro-EU Pact

Romania’s parliamentary opposition parties – PNL, USR, PMP and Pro Romania – signed on Thursday a national political agreement proposed by President Klaus Iohannis aiming to strengthen the country's European course.


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Opposition Parties Sign Romanian President’s National Pro-EU Pact

The pact was proposed by the president following talks with all parliamentary parties regarding the implementation of the May 26 judicial referendum, which took place last week.

Ruling coalition parties PSD and ALDE did not sign the agreement, with the former asking for several amendments to its content and the latter accusing the head of state of engaging in early political campaigning for this years’ presidential elections.

The leaders of the four parties – Ludovic Orban, Dan Barna, Eugen Tomac and Victor Ponta, respectively – signed the agreement in a ceremony at the Cotroceni Palace on Thursday afternoon.

“I am very glad that the five of us are signing this national agreement. This signing does not represent a step through which we aim to exclude others. The list of signatories will remain open. It is possible that in the meantime others will return to better sentiments and I want to keep the gate open for all politicians who want to construct a better Romania,” Iohannis said during the ceremony.

The pact contains commitments from the signatories on implementing the result of the May 26 referendum, and also to implement recommendations issued by the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission and the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism regarding the justice system.

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