President Meets With Liberal Party Leaders

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis met on Wednesday with representatives of the Liberal Party to discuss the country's European agenda, with the meeting confirmed for MEDIAFAX by party chairman Ludovic Orban.


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President Meets With Liberal Party Leaders

According to Orban, the main theme of the meeting was Romania’s European agenda during its EU Council presidency, but he added that no subjects regarding the country’s judicial system were discussed.

“I confirm this meeting, it took place on Wednesday afternoon. I went together with several colleagues from the party leadership (…) The main theme was Romania’s priorities and how we can support the president in his approaches, from the Parliament or from the European People’s Party,” the PNL leader told MEDIAFAX.

According to political sources, the meeting took place at a presidential villa on Wednesday afternoon. The liberal’s delegation at the meeting included members of the ten-man team handling the party’s MEP electoral campaign, such as Dan Motreanu, Raluca Turcan, Iulian Dumitrescu, Cristian Busoi and Gheorghe Falca. Former liberal leaders Alina Gorghiu and Vasile Blaga, also part of the electoral campaign team, did not attend the meeting.

The sources added that the Romanian head of state told the liberals that he is confident they will win the MEP elections, as well as the presidential elections in December – where he will be running for a second term. The president also requested them to intensify their activity as political opposition.

Ludovic Orban and Klaus Iohannis also held a private meeting, with the aforementioned sources commenting that their relationship has a “good dynamic”.


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