President Sends Letter To Prime Minister Explaining Rejection Of Recent Cabinet Proposal

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis sent on Thursday a letter in which he told Prime Minister Viorica Dancila that her recent proposals for new regional development and transports ministers had incomplete documentation.


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President Sends Letter To Prime Minister Explaining Rejection Of Recent Cabinet Proposal

According to the letter, the two proposals each lacked the candidate’s criminal records, copies after their ID’s and current CV’s. Due to this, the president states that the candidacies do not meet the legal requirements for appointments to the country’s Government.

President Iohannis announced on Monday that he will reject again proposals made by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila for Lia Olguta Vasilescu as development minister and Mircea Draghici as transport ministers, prolonging the dispute regarding the offices.

“Yes, these two proposals will be reject during this week. The documents will be finalized and sent to the Government within two days,” said the Romanian head of state.

He added that he explained the reasons for his new refusal in letters sent to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.

This is the third time President Iohannis rejects proposals for the offices in the last two months, with the dispute over the two roles expected to be settled at the Constitutional Court.


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