President: The Rights Of Romanians Working In The UK Are Guaranteed

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that there should not be any concerns regarding Romanian nationals who work in the UK as their rights are guaranteed, in the context of uncertainty regarding the country’s withdrawal from the EU.


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President: The Rights Of Romanians Working In The UK Are Guaranteed

In a press statement on Wednesday, the Romanian head of state said that the withdrawal agreement convened by the EU and the UK Government will not be renegotiated, despite the fact that it was rejected by the British Parliament.

“There is no reason to panic or comment on the different possible scenarios. For the moment, the EU approved this agreement. The UK must present its stance. We are ready to play our role as EU Council president,” stated the president.

The Romanian head of state added that Romanians who live in the United Kingdom have their rights guaranteed according to the agreement, and that Romania is ready to negotiate alternative solutions to maintain that status.

“On the other hand, a lot of Romanians have relatives working in the UK and they will ask themselves what is going to happen with Romanians there. In the case of this agreement, the rights of Romanians are guaranteed, but we are also ready for negotiations which will lead to other scenarios. We are here, we are ready, we will have solutions,” Iohannis said.

The United Kingdom’s House of Commons rejected on Tuesday evening the EU withdrawal agreement negotiated by Prime Minister Theresa May, intensifying uncertainty regarding the process with less than three months until the March 29 deadline for ending negotiations.


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