Romania Agrees With Hungary’s New Citizenship Law – President Basescu

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday that Romania has no objections to the Hungarian citizenship law which is due to be enforced on January 1, 2010 and which makes it easier for Hungarian ethnics living abroad to get Hungarian citizenship.


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Romania Agrees With Hungary’s New Citizenship Law – President Basescu

Basescu said during a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart Pal Schmitt, who is on a two-day visit to Romania, that his country is not against the new regulations on granting Hungarian citizenship to ethnic Hungarians, adding Romania has taken similar measures.

Hungary's new citizenship law allows Hungarian ethnics living abroad to aplly for Hungarian citizenship if they prove they have Hungarian ancestry and they can speak Hungarian. Hungarian ethnics will not have to move to Hungary in order to get Hungarian citizenship, but they will not be granted the right to vote.

Hungary's new citizenship law met criticism in Slovakia. In May this year, the then-Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said he would propose a law whereby people who apply for a second citizenship would be stripped of their Slovak citizenship.

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