Romania Bans Sale, Consumption Of Hallucinogenic Plants Starting Monday

The decree adopted by Romania’s Government banning the distribution, sale and consumption of ethnobotanical plants with hallucinogenic effects came into effect Monday after it was published in the Official Journal.


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Romania Bans Sale, Consumption Of Hallucinogenic Plants Starting Monday

The firms that sell psychedelic plants have ten days to destroy their stocks.

Over the past days, stores selling hallucinogenic plants lowered prices by up to 50% to encourage sales and exhaust their stocks.

People close to the matter said the interdiction to trade and consume hallucinogenic plants might encourage the black market trading illegal substances.

The International Center for Human Right and Fight against Drugs accused the state of conniving at trading hallucinogenic plants, as it set a ten-day deadline for stores to destroy their supplies.

The Romanian Government on February 10 adopted an emergency decree banning the distribution and sale of 36 plants and hallucinogenic substances.

"The government's decision clearly sets that the manufacturing, extraction, preparation, sale, transport, purchase, growing and even consumption of banned plants and substances will be punished with jail time. This type of plants and substances will only be used for medical purposes and only competent bodies will be allowed to use small quantities of this type of plants and substances as sample," said people familiar with the issue.

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