Romania Deems Kosovo’s Unilateral Independence Illegal

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday at the beginning of his meeting with parliament parties that the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo is an action Romania considers "illegal".

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Romania Deems Kosovo’s Unilateral Independence Illegal

The meeting is attended by Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu, liberal Puiu Hasotti, democrat liberals Emil Boc and Gheorghe Flutur, social democrats Mircea Geoana and Titus Corlatean, far rightists Corneliu Vadim Tudor, Lucian Bolcaş and Ilie Ilascu, Hungarian party leaders Marko Bela and Kelemen Hunor, and Varujan Pambuccian of the group for national minorities.
Basescu told party officials Romania’s stand toward Kosovo, expressed during the European Council in December 2007, as well as the positions expressed on the same issue by the head of state and the prime minister, remain unchanged.
The president asked party leaders not to create ungrounded tension in their official statements.
"Any comparison between Kosovo and Romania is groundless,” Basescu said, adding minorities in Romania have many rights, while Kosovo had refused any recognition of minorities.
Basescu also reminded that Romania is a member of the European Union and NATO and one of the crucial conditions for this statute is the observance of territorial integrity.

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