Romania High Court To Rule On Senator’s Request For Court Supervised Release Monday

Romania’s Supreme Court will rule Monday on the request of social democrat senator Catalin Voicu, arrested for 30 days on corruption charges, to be released temporarily under court supervision.


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Romania High Court To Rule On Senator’s Request For Court Supervised Release Monday

The court on Friday decided to put off trying senator's request, as Voicu's lawyer was unable to attend the court session.

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled to place businessmen Marius Locic and Costel Casuneanu and Supreme Court civil department chief Florin Costiniu under preventive arrest for 29 days, on corruption charges.

Costiniu, 60, is accused of receiving bribe to intervene with several magistrates in favor of Casuneanu and Locic.

Costiniu, Locic and Casuneanu challenged the court ruling and the appeal will be tried Monday by a panel of nine judges with the Supreme Court.

Arrest warrants for the three defendants are valid from April 10 to May 8.

The arrest of the three comes after Voicu was placed under arrest for 30 days on charges on influence peddling and fraud, in the same file.

According to prosecutors, Voicu claimed and received RON119,000 in August 2009 from Locic to whom he promised to intervene with the police in a criminal case.

Prosecutors also say Voicu offered to help influential people who had certain interests in files tried by the Bucharest Court and the Supreme Court, in return for support in acceding to a government position.

Voicu is also accused of trying to pull the strings to become Interior Minister if social democrat Mircea Geoana would have won presidential elections in 2009.

Romanian media recently made public fragments of discussions which show Voicu tried to intervene with the Supreme Court and the Police in cases involving Casuneanu, Locic and Constanta mayor's brother Alexandru Mazare.

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