Romania Ranks First In The EU By Number Of Fast Internet Connections

Mid-2016 statistics place Romania first in the European Union regarding the number of fast internet connections, of at least 100Mbps, Romania’s telecom market regulator ANCOM said in a statement on Tuesday.


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Romania Ranks First In The EU By Number Of Fast Internet Connections

“Through the 19 million fixed and mobile broadband internet connections in Romania, users generated traffic of nearly 2.7 million TB, in the first six months of 2016. (…) In the future, Romania is expected to follow the trend forecasted on a European level, which translates into a significant increase in mobile data traffic (eight times until 2020), mainly from smartphones and computer tablets, to the detriment of laptops,” Eduard Lovin, regulatory executive director within ANCOM, said Tuesday.

Mobile broadband internet connections used for traffic in the first half of 2016 rose 15% up to 14.8 million, while fixed connections rose 5% to 4.3 million, compared with the same period a year before.

Active 4G services connections keep expanding, reaching 3.7 million mid- 2016 (compared with 1.4 million mid-2015), accounting for over a quarter of total mobile broadband internet connections.

Through fixed connections, Romanian users generated a total download and upload traffic of 2.6 million TB in the first half of 2016, with a monthly average consumption per user of 101 GB. Through mobile connections, users generated traffic of 0.07 million TB, with the monthly average traffic per mobile connection nearly doubling compared with the first half of 2015, to 0.63 GB from 0.33 GB.


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