Romania Social Democrats To Leave Govt, Party Spokesman Tells Protesters

Bogdan Niculescu Duvaz, spokesman for Romania’s ruling coalition Social Democratic Party, told unionists protesting at the party’s headquarters in Bucharest that they shouldn’t protest there because the party is leaving the government anyway.


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Romania Social Democrats To Leave Govt, Party Spokesman Tells Protesters

"Why did you come here to protest? We're leaving the government anyway," Duvaz told protesters who picketed the party's headquarters over the wage law the government adopted with a vote of confidence in Parliament.

Protesters told the social democrat official pickets are underway at headquarters of the Social Democratic and Democratic Liberal parties throughout the country and voiced their discontent that social democrats didn't back the opposition's no-confidence motion in Parliament last week.

Romania's center-left governing coalition of social democrats ad democrat liberals is on the verge of a break-up after democrat liberal Prime Minister Emil Boc fired social democrat Interior Minister Dan Nica and social democrats threatened to leave the government unless the prime minster reconsiders. The minister's dismissal is pending the president's approval.

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday told ruling coalition party leaders to talk and fix their spat over the Interior Ministry, suggesting they appoint an independent minister or one from the opposition.

Interior Minister Dan Nica refused to make any comments but has scheduled a news conference for 2 p.m. Wednesday.

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