Romania To Fund EU Projects, Recover EU Money After Check-Ups – PM

Romania will finance EU projects from the state budget and the Government will send the bills to the European Commission to recover the EU funds only after double-checking all the documents, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.


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Romania To Fund EU Projects, Recover EU Money After Check-Ups – PM

"All investments continue, we're not halting any projects and payment will come from the state budget," said Boc, adding the Government has decided to require EU reimbursements only after double-checking all documents to avoid losing EU money over faulty procedures.

"If the European Union, after we send the bill, finds the procurement procedures were faulty, we lose that money. if we make all necessary corrections before sending the bill, the money stays in Romania and can be used for other projects," Boc told a news conference.

President Traian Basescu said Wednesday he called on the Government to stop sending bill for EU fund reimbursements to Brussels, except for agriculture, adding the prime minister imposed the same measure.

Boc on Wednesday called on ministers and authorities that manage European funds to make financial corrections in the case of EU-funded projects where national rules on public procurement have been violated.

MEDIAFAX reported early July Romania will refund the cost of a project financed with EU funds only after an inspection of the way the contract was awarded, cutting 2%-100% of the returned amount if the investigation reveals irregularities, which means a delay of up to six months for the refund.

The authorities that manage European funds will be required to reduce the value of the refund or deny it altogether, in case they find violations of national rules on public procurement, according to an emergency ordinance approved by the Government early July and obtained by MEDIAFAX.

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