Romanian Chamber Speaker Says Legislation To Be Amended To Suit Romania’s Needs

Romanian Chamber Speaker Bogdan Olteanu Friday said that Parliament would reexamine the Law amending the criminal and criminal procedure Codes following the rules of the Romanian state and not the American one.


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Romanian Chamber Speaker Says Legislation To Be Amended To Suit Romania’s Needs

Olteanu said during a press conference that what he had to say on the matter he already said it, stating he does not understand why if the American ambassador can say “truths” about Romania, Romanians cannot do the same regarding the American ambassador.

Olteanu admitted that Parliament made a mistake amending the criminal and criminal procedure Codes and added that the law is to be reexamined.

“We know that Parliament was wrong. The reactions of the citizens, the public opinion, the civil society were as clear as possible on the matter. We are to reexamine the law and to draw it up according to the needs of the Romanian society,” Olteanu said.

Earlier Thursday, Taubman said Romania’s proposed amendments to the criminal and criminal procedure Codes are worrisome for both the country and friends of the country.

The US ambassador added this is not just his own view, as numerous Romanian and international experts have expressed concern that the proposed amendments, if enacted in law, would represent a real setback in Romania’s efforts to fight many types of serious crime and corruption.

Olteanu retorted that Taubman obtained his mandate in a manner that would be dubbed “corruption” in Romania, adding that “in Romania, legislation is made by Romanians.”


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